The Come and Take It Flag and the Battle of Gonzales History
For centuries, the phrase “Come and Take It” has been used to symbolize opposition to tyranny. From King Leonidas I defying the Persian army to take their weapons at Thermopylae to John McIntosh’s refusal to surrender Fort Morris in 1831, it has been a powerful symbol of resistance. Even though fighting back against oppressors may seem like a violent solution, it has often been the only way for people to live free of their oppressors’ control.URL:
Taking this into account, it is important to understand how the Battle of Gonzales and the “Come and Take It” flag came to be. The story begins in 1831 when American colonists in Gonzales requested a cannon from Mexican soldiers to protect their town against Native raids. While the cannon itself was of little military value, it helped to establish a sense of defiance and confidence that led to the battle of Gonzales.
Taking a Stand: The Come and Take It Flag and the Battle of Gonzales History
On October 2, 1835, a group of rebellious Texans resisted a Mexican army that had been sent to seize the cannon they had borrowed from the Mexican government. The Texans made a flag featuring an image of the cannon with the words “Come and Take It” in black letters. The story of the battle and the flag quickly spread across Texas.
As time passed, the “Come and Take It” flag became an iconic symbol of Texas pride and defiance of Mexican rule. Today, the flag is still used as a symbol of resistance to tyranny. It is often cited by Americans who reject laws that violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms.