How to Register With a Temp Agency

Temp comment s’inscrire dans une agence interim hire workers on a temporary basis for employers, filling gaps in work demand. These gaps may be seasonal (customer service reps during the holidays; accountants during tax season), or based around a specific project (web developers needed to launch a new company website; registered nurses needed for an upcoming vaccine rollout). Temp agency employees are also called in to cover for full-time employees on leave.

When a company needs a temporary worker, they usually approach the agency with a job description. The temp agency will then search its database for workers who meet the requirements. This process is often faster than posting a job ad, reviewing resumes, and interviewing applicants. Often, the agency will conduct a short interview with the candidate to make sure that they are a good fit for the position.

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If the temporary worker is a good fit, the agency will then send them an employment contract. This will outline the duration of the contract, the work assignment agreement, and the pay rates. The agency will usually have a variety of positions available, so the temporary worker can choose which ones to apply for.

To start a temp agency, you will need to register your business, establish a financial strategy, and secure insurance coverage and payroll services. The financial strategy will depend on a realistic prediction of how much business you can expect during the first few months of operation. It will also include short- and long-term goals based on the volume of business you plan to handle at each stage.